How to Hack WiFi Using Kali Linux 2018

Wifi Hacking

Hello friends. Today in this tutorial we are going to learn one of the easiest ways of cracking wifi password. As we all know many people want to know and also after many getting viewer requests to write this article. I hope this article is useful to you.
So let's start Just Follow My Step 


  1. COMPUTER / LAPTOP ( It must have wireless network adapter ).
  2. KALI LINUX ( Either on a system or Live USB ).
Also Read; How to make Virus and Crash Someone Windows Computer

STEP 1: Download Fluxion.

STEP 2: Extract Fluxion.ownld
After downloading Fluxion. Go to downloads and extract Fluxion.
STEP 3: Install Fluxion.
  1. Copy the extracted Fluxion folder in the main directory.
  2. open terminal.
  3. type  –  cd fluxion
  4. type  –  ls
  5. type  –  cd install
  6. type  –  ./ 
STEP 4: Run Fluxion.
  1. Type  –  cd fluxion
  2. Type  –  ls
  3. Type  –  ./ 
STEP 5: Cracking Wifi.
  1. Select English
  2. Select all channel(s)
  3.  Scan for 30 to 40 seconds
  4.  Press (ctrl+c) to stop
  5.  Select router-id no to attack
  6.  Select FakeAP – Hostapd
  7.  Press enter
  8. Select pyrit
  9.  Select Deauth all
  10. Check for the handshake when captured
  11.  Select create SSL certificate
  12.  Select web interface
  13.  Select 
  14. Password will be shown as soon as the user connects to that network.

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